MyBB Documentation

Group Promotions

The 1.6 Documentation is no longer maintained and some information may be outdated.

The MyBB 1.6 series reached end of life on October 1, 2015.

This means there will be no more security or maintenance releases for these series and forums running these versions of MyBB may be at risk of unfixed security issues. All administrators are strongly encouraged to upgrade their forums to the latest release of MyBB as soon as possible.

Users & Groups: User Group Promotions

User Group Promotions allow you to easily change a user's user group based on post count, reputation, or time registered. Group promotions are run using the Task Manager at regular intervals.

The User Group Promotions listing provides the name of each promotion, its description, and allows you to edit, enable/disable, or delete each promotion.

Users & Groups: Add New Promotion
Name for the user group promotion
Short Description 
A short description of what this user group promotion is for
Promotion Requirements 
The criteria that must be met for this promotion. Holding down CTRL selects multiple criteria. For each criteria specified, you must then fill in the proper requirements below (Reputation Count, Post Count, or Time Registered).
Reputation Count 
If Reputation is selected in Promotion Requirements, this field must be filled in. Select the type of comparison (Greater than, Greater than or Equal to, Equal to, Less than or Equal to, or Less Than) and enter the amount of reputation required.
Post Count 
If Post Count is selected in Promotion Requirements, this field must be filled in. Select the type of comparison (Greater than, Greater than or Equal to, Equal to, Less than or Equal to, or Less Than) and enter in the number of posts required.
Time Registered 
If Time Registered is selected in Promotion Requirements, this field must be filled in. Select the time unit (hours, days, weeks, months, or years) and enter in the number of that hours, days, weeks, months, or years that the user must have been registered.
Original User Group 
The User Group a user must be a member of in order to get promoted using this promotion. You can select multiple groups by holding down CTRL, or all groups by simply selecting "All User Groups"
New User Group 
The user group that this user will be moved to or have added as an additional user group.
User Group Change Type 
Select whether the user should have their primary user group changed to the new user group (Primary User Group) or have the new user group added as an additional user group (Secondary User Group).
Should this group promotion be active?
Enable Logging 
Should logs be kept of every time this promotion is ran?
Users & Groups: Promotion Logs

The promotion logs allow you to see who has been promoted from one group to another, if logging is enabled for your promotions. On this page, you are shown:

Promoted User 
The user who was promoted.
User Group Change Type 
The type of change this promotion was. It can either be Primary, meaning the primary user group was changed, or Secondary, meaning a secondary user group was added.
Original User Group 
The user group the user was in before the promotion.
New User Group 
The user group the user was moved to or had added as a secondary user group after the promotion.
Time Promoted 
The date and time the promotion occurred.
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