MyBB Documentation


The 1.6 Documentation is no longer maintained and some information may be outdated.

The MyBB 1.6 series reached end of life on October 1, 2015.

This means there will be no more security or maintenance releases for these series and forums running these versions of MyBB may be at risk of unfixed security issues. All administrators are strongly encouraged to upgrade their forums to the latest release of MyBB as soon as possible.

The attachments section allows you to manage all attachments on your board, including search for them, find orphaned attachments (ones where something is missing from either the file system or the database), and view general attachment statistics.


Forum & Posts: Find Attachments

This function allows you to find attachments on your forum. You can enter in as many or as few of the search options. The more you enter, the narrower your search will be.

File name contains 
Name of file. You can use * as a wildcard
File type contains 
File extension
Forum is 
Forum attachment was posted in. Use CTRL to select more than one.
Posters' username is 
User who uploaded
Date posted is 
Number of days ago the upload was posted. You can select either more than or less than the number of days you enter.
File size is 
Approximate file size in kilobytes (KB). You can select greater than, exactly, or less than the size you enter.
Download count is 
Number of times the attachment has been downloaded. You can select greater than, exactly, and less than the number you enter.

[edit] Display Options

Sort results by 
You can choose to sort by file name, file size, download count, date uploaded, and post username in ascending (A-Z or 0-9) or descending (Z-A or 9-0) order.
Results per page 
Number of results per page. If nothing is entered, the search will default to 20 per page.
Forum & Posts: Find Attachments Results

The results page when searching for downloads allows you to delete any selected attachments, and shows you the following details about the attachment:

Here you will see the icon set for this file type and the name (including extension) of the file.
Size of the file
Posted by 
User who uploaded the attachment
Thread the attachment is posted in
Number of times the attachment has been downloaded
Date Uploaded 
Date the attachment was uploaded
Forum & Posts: Orphaned Attachments

This tool will check both your database and the file system for any orphaned attachments - where there is a copy of the attachment in one place (either the database or the file system), but not in the other. If there are no orphaned attachments, you will be told so after the tool checks. If there are, you will be shown a list of the orphaned attachments, with the option to delete selected orphaned attachments. The following details will be shown in the orphaned attachment results listing:

Here you will see the icon set for this file type and the name (including extension) of the file.
Size of the file
Tells you whether the file or the database information was missing.
Date Uploaded 
Date the attachment was uploaded
Forum & Posts: Attachment Statistics

This feature shows you useful statistics about the attachments on your board.

No. Uploaded Attachments 
Total number of attachments on your board.
Estimated Bandwidth Usage 
Based on the number of downloads for each attachment, this is the estimated total bandwidth the attachments on your forum has used. This is NOT exact, it is just an estimate.
Attachment Space Used 
Total amount of space used for attachments.
Average Attachment Size 
The average size of an attachment. This is the total space used divided by the number of uploaded attachments.

The most downloaded attachments on your board. See Results above for the details shown in this table.

The largest attachments on your board. See Results above for the details shown in this table.

The users with the most disk usage for attachments. This includes the username of the user and the total size of their uploaded attachments.

Admin CP
Home Dashboard - Preferences - Version Check - MyBB Credits
Configuration Settings - Banning - Custom Profile Fields - Smilies - Word Filters - MyCode - Languages - Post Icons - Help Documents - Plugins - Attachment Types - Moderator Tools - Spiders/Bots - Calendars - Warning System - Thread Prefixes
Forums & Posts Forum Management - Forum Announcements - Moderation Queue - Attachments
Users & Groups Users - Groups - User Titles - Banning - Admin Permissions - Mass Mail - Group Promotions
Templates & Style Themes - Templates
Tools & Maintenance System Health - Cache Manager - Task Manager - Recount and Rebuild - PHP Info - Database Backups - Optimize Database - File Verification - Administrator Log - Moderator Log - User Email Log - System Mail Log - User Warning Log - Statistics

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