MyBB Documentation

Member Profile

The 1.6 Documentation is no longer maintained and some information may be outdated.

The MyBB 1.6 series reached end of life on October 1, 2015.

This means there will be no more security or maintenance releases for these series and forums running these versions of MyBB may be at risk of unfixed security issues. All administrators are strongly encouraged to upgrade their forums to the latest release of MyBB as soon as possible.

A member's profile gives the information of the member both on the forum, and in real life (if they choose to). In MyBB, the public profile of a member is separated into a few categories.



A profile

The first box on the profile gives details about the member's account on the forum.

On the left-hand side, the username, the user's user title, and the group image/stars. Below this, the following fields are displayed:

Registration Date 
The date the user registered on the forum.
Date of Birth 
If set in profile, the date of birth is displayed. However, if the user has only set to show their age in their profile, only the age will be displayed. If the user has set to show both date of birth and age in their profile, both will be displayed. If the user has their birthday set in their profile, but has opted to hide their date of birth and age from all users, this field will not be shown.
Local Time 
The current time for the user, based on the Time zone and Daylight Savings Time settings.
The current status of the user. If the user is online, you will also see what the user is currently doing, and the time they were doing it at.

If a user is away, you will see a message saying so, the reason they specified, the time the day the set their status as away, and the return.

On the right-hand side, the member's avatar is shown, full size, if the user has one set.

Forum Info

This box contains more information about the member's forum account.

The date when the member registered.
Last Visit
The member's last visit or last login
Total Posts
The number of posts and a few statistics about them are shown next, along with links to find the member's threads and posts.
Time Spent Online
An approximation of the total time that the member has been online on the board.
If enabled, the user's Reputation. Clicking on "Details" takes you to a page where you can see all of the ratings of the user. Click on "Rate" to rate the user. Green is a positive reputation, gray is a neutral reputation, and red is a negative reputation.
Warning Level 
If you are a user who can warn other users, or you are viewing your own profile and the administrator has allowed viewing of your own warning level, your current warning level is displayed. If you are viewing your own profile, clicking on the warning level takes you to your User CP, where you can see your most recent warnings. If you are a user capable of issuing warnings, clicking on the warning level takes you to the user's Warning Log. Additionally, if you are capable of issuing warnings to other users, you are able to warn the user by clicking on "Warn."
Members Referred 
This is the number of members that this member has referred to the forum, either by providing their referral link or by having their username entered upon registration.

Contact Details

The member's homepage
A link to the form to send the member an email
Private Message
A link to the Compose PM form.
ICQ Number, AIM Screen Name, Yahoo ID, MSN ID
The member's instant messaging information.

Additional Info

The public custom profile fields that the board administrator has created will be shown here.

The following three custom profile fields are included in MyBB by default:

Male, Female, Undisclosed, or Other
Member's location, metaphorically, or physically.
The member's autobiography


The user's signature is shown.

MyBB Documentation
Front End Index Page - Portal - Forum Display - Thread Display - Posting Threads and Replies - Searching - User CP - Member Profile - Private Messages - Calendar - Member List - Help Docs - Who Is Online - Lite (Archive) Mode - Forum Team - Statistics - RSS Syndication - Miscellaneous
Moderation Standard Thread Moderation - Inline Thread Moderation - Inline Post Moderation - Warning System
Mod CP Home - Forums and Posts - Users
Admin CP Home - Configuration - Forums & Posts - Users & Groups - Templates & Style - Tools & Maintenance
Templates & Themes Images - Postbit - Templates - Themes
Developer Database Methods - Database Tables
Miscellaneous Cookies - UTF8 Setup - Default Settings

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