The 1.6 Documentation is no longer maintained and some information may be outdated.

The MyBB 1.6 series reached end of life on October 1, 2015.

This means there will be no more security or maintenance releases for these series and forums running these versions of MyBB may be at risk of unfixed security issues. All administrators are strongly encouraged to upgrade their forums to the latest release of MyBB as soon as possible.

The Portal Page is mostly used as a page to use in your site and for some a home page. As the name implies, the portal is used as a page where your users can get the latest updates in terms of new announcements, threads, posts on the forum, and new Private Messages received.


Left Bar

Screenshot of the MyBB Forums' Portal Page

By default, there are several possible "blocks" that can appear on the left side of the portal. These can be enabled and disabled in the Admin CP Board Settings.

Welcome block

Logged-In user

This box shows the current logged-in user's username, and their last time of visit. In addition, the box shows the number of new announcements, threads, and posts that have been posted since his or her last visit.

The two links "View New Posts" and "View Today's Posts" link to a search page that will display the user new posts since his or her last visit, or all of the posts that have been made in the last 24 hours.


Rather than showing what the box shows for logged in users, the guest is told to register to be able to post on the site, and is provided a login box.

Private Messages Block

Only logged-in users will see this block. It displays the number of new PMs that the user has received, and the number of unread messages in their mailbox, as well as the total number of PMs they have stored on their account.

Search block

This box provides a simple search box to search the entire board for the keywords specified. In addition, a link to the full search page is provided.

Forum Statistics block

This box shows a summary of the statistics of the board including the total number of members, the newest registered user, and the total number of threads and posts. A link to the full statistics page is provided as well.

Online Users

This shows the number of members and guests that are currently browsing the forum, as well as the usernames of the members that are browsing the forum.

Latest Threads

This is a list of the threads that have just been replied to recently.


The latest announcements of the board (these are threads in the announcements forum set in the Admin CP setting "Forum ID to pull announcements from") are shown in the main portion of this page.

To find what ID to use; Go to the index page and open the forum you need the ID from. Take a look at the url in your browser, it should look like this: .../forumdisplay.php?fid=x where x is the ID.

For each announcement, at the top there is the poster and the time that the thread was posted, as well as the number of replies. At the bottom there is a link to a 'printable version' of the announcement thread and a link to send the announcement by email to another person.

Access to the Portal

By default there are no links to the portal. To access the portal manually, go to If you wish your users to make use of the portal, you may want to add a link to the portal from the header template, or utilize one of the modifications/plugins to provide entry to the portal when users enter your forum.

How can I redirect users to portal once they arrive at my site ?

With this tip you can redirect your users to portal once they arrive at your site. In other words you can use portal as your home page.

Open htaccess.txt and add the following code in it;

DirectoryIndex portal.php

After adding this, Chnage the name of the file from;




It will redirect your users to portal once they arrive at your site.

MyBB Documentation
Front End Index Page - Portal - Forum Display - Thread Display - Posting Threads and Replies - Searching - User CP - Member Profile - Private Messages - Calendar - Member List - Help Docs - Who Is Online - Lite (Archive) Mode - Forum Team - Statistics - RSS Syndication - Miscellaneous
Moderation Standard Thread Moderation - Inline Thread Moderation - Inline Post Moderation - Warning System
Mod CP Home - Forums and Posts - Users
Admin CP Home - Configuration - Forums & Posts - Users & Groups - Templates & Style - Tools & Maintenance
Templates & Themes Images - Postbit - Templates - Themes
Developer Database Methods - Database Tables
Miscellaneous Cookies - UTF8 Setup - Default Settings

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