The 1.6 Documentation is no longer maintained and some information may be outdated.
The MyBB 1.6 series reached end of life on October 1, 2015.
This means there will be no more security or maintenance releases for these series and forums running these versions of MyBB may be at risk of unfixed security issues. All administrators are strongly encouraged to upgrade their forums to the latest release of MyBB as soon as possible.
Total number of members (users) registered on your message board.
Newest Member
The username of the member that most recently registered.
Members who have posted
The percentage of users who have one or more posts. This is calculated by taking the number of users who have one or more posts and dividing it by the total number of users registered, multipled by 100 and used with a percent sign.
Today's top poster
The user who posted the most number of posts in the last 24 hours.
Most popular forum
The forum with the most posts.
The time (referred to below as time) used to calculate these averages is the difference between the current time and when the first user (usually UID 1, the administrator who installed the forum) was created, in days.
Posts per day
This is calculated by dividing the total number of posts by the time (see above).
Threads per day
Calculated by dividing the total number of threads by the time
Members per day
Calculated by dividing the total number of members by the time
Posts per member
Calculated by dividing the total number of posts by the total number of users registered.
Replies per thread
Calculated by dividing the total number of posts by the total number of threads.
Most Popular...
Most Replied To Threads
This is a listing of the threads that have the most replies, listed from most replies to the least replies.
Most Viewed Threads
This is a listing of the threads that have the most views, listed from most views to the least views.