MyBB Documentation

Working on Issues

The 1.6 Documentation is no longer maintained and some information may be outdated.

The MyBB 1.6 series reached end of life on October 1, 2015.

This means there will be no more security or maintenance releases for these series and forums running these versions of MyBB may be at risk of unfixed security issues. All administrators are strongly encouraged to upgrade their forums to the latest release of MyBB as soon as possible.


Even if you aren't a part of the MyBB Development Team, you can still help us by working on an issue. If you do want to help out please be sure to be as accurate as possible, write in clear English and explain the reasons for your decisions.

When you view an issue there is lots of information at the top of the page. It includes the description of the problem, which version it affects and more as well as who is assigned to the issue. Further down the page is the History of the issue. This tracks changes made to the issue, statuses it has gone through and comments users might have made.

There may also be Associated Revisions alongside the History. These are revisions that have fixed or are related to the issue.

As a developer, you can update an issue by using the "Update" link that appears at the top and bottom of the issue. This will open up an Update console to manage the issue's information. If you have the permissions to do so, there may also be a "more" link that appears next to the Change properties heading above these options - clicking this link will allow you to edit the issue's subject and description.

If you do update an issue, remember to write about your changes in the notes. If you're fixing an issue and just updating these options, there is no need to write a note. Remember to explain your decisions if you think they need explaining too just so that other users know why you're making the change.

When you're ready to fix an issue, you need to assign it to yourself and set the target version of the milestone the fix will be included in. Simply open the Update console and update these options - as well as anything else, such as the category of the issue, that has previously been missed.

We set these options so that other users know you're the one who's going to be fixing it. If you feel that it is too difficult or you no longer have the time to fix it, remember to "unassign" it - just open the Update console and set the Assignee to the blank option.

Once you've updated the issue, proceed to fix it in your working copy and commit the changes when you're ready. Follow the guidelines of committing a fix, remembering the development standards, and remember to write the correct commit message when pushing your changes to the repository. If you have any problems, or are unsure about the changes you're making, check with the Development Team and/or the Lead Developer.

As a user, your feedback is critically important. If you can provide more information about the problem then please write a comment and tell us about it - remember to give us as much information as you can!

To add your comment, click on the "Update" link that appears at the top and bottom of the issue. This will open up a console for you to write your message in. You can add files or screenshots in the Update console too.

Even if you aren't a developer, it doesn't mean you don't know how to fix the problem. If you know what it takes to fix it, then why not upload a patch or provide a set of instructions/changed files? If you do, a developer will take a look at your changes and apply it as necessary. It doesn't mean they'll fix it exactly as you did, but you would have told them where to look.

Once you've made a comment, you can edit it by clicking on the little pencil next to your message. There is no method of deleting your comment from the tracker.

MyBB Development
Tracker Viewing Issues - Reporting a New Issue - Working on an Issue - Using the Repository

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